Registration Day

Pforzheimer House, 56 Linnaean, Cambridge MA 02138

9:00am – 4:30pmGeneral Workshop Registration. You can arrive anytime during this window. Commuters should also come to registrationPforzheimer House
12:00pm & 1:00pmLunch – RAs will accompany any students who arrive in the morning to lunchMeet @ Registration
5:00pmWorkshop Orientation, followed by Dinner`Pfrorzheimer House,
then The Inn at Harvard
7:30 pmMeetings with Individual Workshops/LabsHilles
9:30pmCommuter Dismissal (8pm all other days)Pforzheimer House
10:00pmRoll Call – MANDATORY nightlyPforzheimer Dining Hall
11:00pmRoom Check, remain on floor, nightlyAt Your Door
12:00amRoom Check and Lights Out!At Your Door